Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 1: I didn't die

Today was weigh in and measurement day and I was not happy (I will do this weekly).This is not what I am supposed to look like! I want to be lean, toned, and feel amazing. On a side note: I have the most amazing husband EVER!! He tells me that he thinks I am perfect the way I am. He said that the way I look is what he likes. But, he also said that if I am not happy with myself to do something about it. He told me that I need to be happy with how I look. However, he did say do not lose my chest and "badonkadonk". Is that possible? I am not sure, but we will see. I may have enough that if I lose a little I will still have some. :)

I took pictures this morning so that it will be easier to see a difference. I will take another picture in 1 month. Then, I may post the pictures. I am not sure yet. I do not feel comfortable enough to post the pictures I took today yet. My weight may not change weekly since I am lifting too but I am hoping I will see changes in my body monthly.

Today's Calorie intake was 1290 (a little high). Tomorrow I will be better. I am still learning what I can and cant have. In the gym I did 2 miles on treadmill and burned 230 calories. I also lifted weights focusing on my chest and back. Until tomorrow...


  1. LOL...Men, and the words they use for our assets! lol. And if it means anything, I think you look great! :) Good luck!

  2. Thanks Liz. Men do have a choice of words sometimes. I guess they want to get their point across and still sound somewhat macho. Hopefully we can all get together soon.
